The Telluride One Design Regatta
Sat, Sep 14
|Ridgway Reservoir
Join our Melges 15 fleet and other one design boats under 20ft.. Hosted by the Telluride Yacht Club on Ridgway Reservoir, CO. Sponsored by Alpine Bank, Telluride Coffee Roasters, CFO Connect and Business Books.

Time & Location
Sep 14, 2024, 9:00 AM MDT – Sep 15, 2024, 5:00 PM MDT
Ridgway Reservoir, Ridgway Reservoir, Colorado, USA
About the event
Telluride One Design Regatta
Ridgway Reservoir
September 14-15, 2024
The notation [DP] in a rule in the Sailing Instructions (SI’s) means that the penalty for a breach of that rule may, at the discretion of the protest committee, be less than disqualification.
The notation [NP] in a rule in the Sailing Instructions means that breaches in this rule shall not be grounds for a protest by a boat. This changes RRS 60.1 (a).
1.1 The regatta shall be governed by the rules as defined in the 2021-2024 Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), and the latest Class Rules for each One Design (OD) Class, as well as these SI’s
1.2 Each boat shall comply with all U.S. Coast Guard and other applicable governmental laws, rules, or regulations. [DP].
1.3 The Telluride Yacht Club is the Organizing Authority (OA).
1.4 Any conflict between the NOR and these SIs, the SIs shall prevail. This changes RRS 63.7
1.5 The following Racing rules shall be changed as follows:
SI 1.4 changes RRS 63.7.
SI 6.2 changes RRS Race Signal AP.
SI 11.4 changes RRS 62.1 (a)
SI 14.2 changes RRS 35
SI 14.4 changes RRS 61.1 (a)
SI 15.1 changes RRS 61.3
SI 16.1 changes Appendix A5
SI 16.2 changes Appendix A
SI 17.3 changes RRS 41 (a) & (b)
1.6 Membership in a One Design Class organization is required.
1.7 All boats shall have sail numbers that meet Class standards.
1.8 The completion of one race shall constitute the Regatta.
2.1 Any change in these SI’s will be approved by the Principal Race Officer (PRO) and will be posted before 10:00 hours on the day it takes effect, or immediately after the Skippers' Meeting.
2.2 Any change in the Schedule of Races will be posted by 20:00 hours the day before the change is to take effect
2.3 In accordance with RRS 90.2, oral changes to the SI’s may be made on the water, when the RC signal boat displays code flag “L” with one sound signal. This means “Come Within Hail” of the RC boat to receive the oral changes to the SI’s .
3.1 Notices to competitors will be posted on the Official Regatta Notice Board located on the website and in the vicinity of the Ridgway Marina office.
3.2 On the water, the RC intends to hail boats & to monitor/communicate with competitors on VHF channel 68.
[DP] Competitors and support persons shall comply with reasonable requests from Race officials.
Saturday, September 14, 2024
09:00 AM to 10:00 AM at the Marina office at Ridgeway Reservoir - Late Registration and Check-in.
10:00 AM – at the Marina Office at Ridgeway Reservoir - Skippers Meeting.
11:30 AM – Scheduled time of the first warning signal. Other races to follow.
No races will start after 3:30 PM.
Sunday, September 15, 2024
11:30 AM – Scheduled time of the first warning signal. Other races to follow.
No races will start after 3:30 PM.
6.1 Signals made ashore will be displayed from the RC boat at the dock.
6.2 When code flag “AP” is displayed ashore, the starting time will be no sooner than 60 minutes after lowering the AP flag. This changes RRS Race Signal AP.
7.1 Classes and Class Flags will be announced at the Skipper’s Meeting.
7.2 Classes will consist of One-Design Fleets. Three or more boats entered may form a One-Design Fleet ; however, the minimum number of boats needed to form a Fleet may be lessened at the discretion of the Regatta Chair.
8. RACING AREAS: The racing area will be in the vicinity of the main body of Ridgway Reservoir.
The course will be announced before the Warning signal of each race. A white board will be displayed on the RC boat to indicate the course and order of marks to be rounded. All marks shall be rounded to Port.
10. MARKS:
Marks are 37” Orange balls and 24” Red balls. The Orange Balls shall be positioned as the Windward (W) mark and the Leeward (L) mark. The Red balls shall be the Start and Finish pins.
11.1 Races shall be started in accordance with RRS 26.
11.2 The starting line shall be between an Orange flag on the RC boat and a Red ball adjacent to that side of the RC boat.
11.3 A boat starting later than 5 minutes after her starting signal, shall not race and will be scored DNS without a hearing.
11.4 RC will attempt to hail (and may announce via radio) boats identified as on the course side of the starting line (OCS) by hailing her bow number or sail number & on VHF channel 68. Failure or delay to make or hear such hails or announcements, timeless of broadcast, or the orders of members announced will NOT be grounds for a request for redress. This changes RRS 62.1(a).
11.5 Additional races will be started as soon as all boats in a fleet have returned to the starting area. Subsequent starting orders may differ from the initial starting order.
12.1 The Finish line shall be between an R/C Flag and a Red ball adjacent to that side of the RC boat.
12.2 Boats shall not cross the Finish line unless finishing. The Finish Line ranks as an obstruction for all boats not on their final leg to finish. Violators will be subject to a 20% scoring penalty.
13. PENALTY SYSTEM: RRS Appendix V1 (Alternative Penalties) applies and is in effect.
14.1 The Time Limit for each fleet race is 90 minutes.
14.2 The race will be abandoned if no boat from a fleet finishes within 90 minutes of its starting signal. Once a boat finishes. within the time limit, all other boats in the fleet have 30 minutes to finish or they may be scored as TLE. This changes RRS 35.
14.3 RC may, at its discretion, finish racers from any qualified OD fleet in their current position, if the race is not abandoned and at least one boat has met the time limit.
14.4 Failure to meet the Time Limit will not be grounds for Redress. This changes RRS 62.1(a).
15.1 Protesting boats must inform the RC Boat of their intention to protest as soon as practical after finishing or the RC Boat within the protest time if they do not finish. This changes RRS 61.3
15.2 The Protest Time Limit is 30 minutes. Filings are to be made to the PRO or any member of the RC. The Protest Time will begin when the RC Boat returns to shore and flies a Code B flag with one horn.
15.3 Appeals of protest committee decisions shall be made in accordance with procedures prescribed by S.A.I.L.
15.4 Appendix T shall be used for arbitration.
15.5 Protest forms are available at the registration desk in the vicinity of the Marina Office and on the US Sailing App
16.1 The low point scoring system of Appendix A5 shall be used as modified:
DNF, TLE, NSC, RET (Retired), RAF (Retired After Finishing) = number of finishers +1
DNS, OCS, DNC, DSC = number of starters +1
DSQ & DNE = total number of boats registered in the Fleet + 2
16.2 Appendix A is modified such that, only after 4 races have been completed, each competitor’s single worst score will be thrown out. A DSQ (DNE) is not eligible to be thrown out. Score ties shall be broken as defined in Appendix A8.
17.1 CHECK-IN: Boats shall check-in on the water, each race day, while the RC is flying the code “L” flag, by sailing by the RC Boat, on starboard tack, and hailing sail number and souls on board.
17.2 Boats must meet U.S. Coast Guard, State of Colorado, & Ouray County safety requirements.
17.3 A boat that is capsized or has crew overboard shall accept outside help. This modifies RRS 41 (a) & (b).
17.4 A boat that retires from a race shall notify the RC as soon as possible.
17.5 RC will use VHF Channel 68 for race communication while on the water. Channel 16 will be used for emergency situations.
18.1 Except in an emergency, a boat that is racing shall not make voice or data transmissions, and shall not receive voice, or data communication not available to all boats. This restriction also applies to mobile telephones, tablets, computers, and similar devices.
18.2 The RC may attempt to report visual signals displayed, and other pertinent information over VHF for the races. This information is provided as a courtesy to the competitors and does not in any way alter their responsibly to observe the RC's visual signals which govern the conduct of the race. Errors or omissions involving such courtesy broadcasts shall not be grounds for redress.
19. PRIZES: One or more trophies will be given for each fleet depending upon the number of participants.
RRS 3 states: ‘The Responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or continue to race is hers alone.’ By participating in this event each competitor agrees and acknowledges that sailing is a potentially dangerous activity with inherent risks. These risks include strong winds and rough seas, sudden changes in weather, failure of equipment, boat handling errors, poor seamanship by other boats, loss of balance on an unstable platform and fatigue resulting in increased risk of injury. Inherent in the sport of sailing is the risk of permanent, catastrophic injury or death by drowning, trauma, hypothermia or other causes.
Notice of Race
Telluride One Design Regatta
September 14-15, 2024
Ridgway Reservoir, CO
Telluride Yacht Club (TYC) cordially invites you to attend the 2024 Telluride One Design Regatta to be held on Ridgway Reservoir, September 14-15, 2024. This regatta is for one design classes under 20 ft. In length. Telluride Yacht Club is the host club and the Telluride Yacht Club is the Organizing Authority of the Regatta.
1.1 The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) and the latest Class Rules for each class.
1.3. All boats must comply with Colorado Boating Laws, including registration and CL number compliance.
2.1. The Regatta is open to all one design classes with a hull length up to 20 ft.
2.2. We would appreciate all competitors registering at the events page via the website at by September 7, 2024.
2.3. On-site registration and check in will be performed at the registration table at the Marina Office at Ridgway Reservoir from 9:00 am - 10:00 am on Saturday, September 14, 2024. All competitors must check in on Saturday morning.
2.4 All competitors will be required to sign a waiver of liability.
3.1. Required fees are as follows:
Registration fee per skipper - $95.00
Registration fee for each crew and additional guests - $75.00
Late registration after September 7, 2024 - $50
3.2 . Registration fees include your regatta entry fee, hosted dockside beer and soft drinks at the end of each race day, dinner and drinks on Saturday night, prizes and any sponsor promotions. CPW park entry fees and/or camping fees are not included.
Saturday, September 14, 2024
09:00 AM to 10:00 AM at the Marina Office at Ridgway Reservoir: Late Registration and Check-in.
10:00 AM – at the Marina Office at Ridgway Reservoir: Skippers Meeting.
11:30 AM – Scheduled time of the first warning signal. Other races to follow. No races will start after 3:30 PM.
03:30 PM - Hosted Dockside beer and soft drinks.
06:00 PM - Hosted Cocktails and Dinner at Ridgway. Reservoir.
Sunday, September 15, 2024
11:30 AM – Scheduled time of the first warning signal. Other races to follow. No races will start after 3:30 PM.
03:30 PM - Hosted Dockside beer and soft drinks.
05:00 PM - Hosted Cocktails and Awards at Ridgway Reservoir.
5. MEASUREMENTS – All boats shall comply with class rules and measurement rules. Onsite inspection of boats may be conducted at the pleasure of the Organizing Authority.
6. SAILING INSTRUCTIONS – The sailing instructions (SI’s) will be available on the Telluride Yacht Club website on or before September 13, 2024, and on race day at the registration desk.
7.1. Directions and other information relating to TYC and Ridgway Reservoir are available on its website located at
7.2. Accommodations – There are many hotels and camping facilities in the Ridgway, Telluride and Montrose area. Visitor information on accommodations, restaurants, events and festivals can be found online at the various towns. Camping is also available at the Ridgway Reservoir State Park camp grounds. Camping at the state park requires reservations. Campsites and yurts may be reserved online at or by calling 1-800-244-5613. Campsites are equiped with water, electricity, showers and bathroom facilities.
7.3 Parking - All competitors are to park in designated areas.
7.4 Docks - Keelboats have the option to tie up on Saturday night at the Ridgway Reservoir dock. Dock space is limited and shall be on a first come first served basis. Double and triple tie ups are encouraged. Dock space area be identified at the skipper’s meeting. Fenders are encouraged.
8.1. The regatta is open to all one design boats in the following classes: under 20 ft.. In length.
8.2. Racing will be limited to the one design classes referred to in section 3.1 registering three (3) or more boats.
8.4. Each one design class will be started and scored separately utilizing a single race committee.
8.5. Racing area and start lines will be announced at Skipper’s meeting.
9.1. Scoring shall follow Appendix A of the RRS, using the low point scoring system,
9.2. Number of races scheduled will be identified in the Sailing Instructions.
10.1. Trophies will be awarded in each class.
11.1. Appendix T – Arbitration will be used for post-race penalties.
12. RADIO COMMUNICATION – VHF radios are encouraged on each boat so the race committee can communicate with the competitors. Be advised that only in an emergency, a skipper of a boat that is racing shall not make electronic voice or data transmissions and shall not receive voice or data communication that is not available to all boats.
13. ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY – Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See RRS 3, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta. By participating in the regatta, each boat owner, skipper and crew agree to sail and use the Ridgway Reservoir facilities at his or her own risk. To the fullest extent permitted under Colorado law, each boat owner, skipper and crew unconditionally and irrevocably release and discharges the Telluride Yacht Club, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, the Department of Agriculture, their officers, board of directors, agents, and all other persons who assist in maintaining equipment or in organizing and/or conducting races from all claims and legal liability for personal injury, death or property damage incurred in connection with the regatta and caused by negligence.
14.1. All boats must maintain Liability Insurance in full force and effect during racing which will include a General Liability policy written by a reputable insurance company insuring the owner and any operators against liability for bodily injury in limits of not less than $300,000 and for property damage of not less than $100,000. Each boat will present proof of insurance upon organizing authority’s request.
15. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION – For additional information, please refer to the following contacts:
15.1. Event website:
15.2. Event Chair - Ed O’Sullivan: Ph: 970-708-2409, Email:
1 hour 1 minuteCheck In
Ridgway Reservoir Marina offic
1 day 1 minuteWarning Signal for first race and races thereafter
Ridgeway Reservoir